
10002莎士比亞專題_參考資料_History of CrossDressing

英資學生看這裡 — 作者 english @ 10:01

Most people imagine a cross-dresser is that of a drag queen. Tall and glamorous, dressed to the nines and with heavy make up, with very long long eyelashes and spangled dressed, revealing dresses, the stereotypical drag-queen image is unfotunately stamped on the popular imagination.

However the history of cross-dressing stretches way back a long time, to origins far away from gay clubs. In Europe in the middle ages, women cross-dressed to avoid the gender hierarchy. Historical accounts show that an abandoned wife would often take on a male disguise in order to live an independent life. Literature of those times reveal a fascination with crossdressing. Some have even gone as far as to speculated that Joan of Arc was a transvestite and there is even a legend of a Pope who is female.

### [CrossDressing in the Theater and Films]

During the Elizabethan period, men in the theater dressed as women to play  roles of women. Shakespeare used crossdressing as a comic device, and this led to situations in which a man would be dressed as a woman and a woman who would dress as a man. In the play Twelfth Night, a actor would dress as a woman to play the part of Viola, then Viola would dress as a man to infiltrate the court of the Count Orsino.

Shakespeare used crossdressing with good reason. It allowed disguise and surreptition, seductions and mistaken identitiy. For this reason, crossdressers always have been loved in the entertainment industry. Other examples come from the 'sweet transvestite from Transylvania' from the Rocky Horror Picture Show and Julie Andrews in Victor and Victoria, cross-dressers never fail to intrigue us.

### [CrossDressing in politics and science]

Gender politics has been a minefield, but in the last century they became even more complex. Transvestites - men who dress as women or women who dress as men are just one of many groups in the transgender community. There are also transsexual members, who undergo operations to change their sex.

The first sex change was in 1952. Private George Jorgenson, a soldier in the United States army, was convinced he was a woman in a man's body. After leaving the army, he persuaded the Danish doctor, Professor Christian Hamburger, to perform a sex change operation.

Shakespeare News Report 《莎士比亞動新聞》

英資學生看這裡 — 作者 english @ 09:11
# Shakespeare News Report 《莎士比亞動新聞》 


Viola  Duke Orsino拍攝現場訪問)。

(1)    棚內:邀請莎士比亞進棚,專訪莎士比亞最新力作《穿越時空羅密歐》。

(2)    棚外:報導義大利一則即時新聞,一對情侶決定公開殉情,抗議兩家父母過份干涉戀情。

(3)    棚內:接聽觀眾茱麗葉的奶媽的call-in,奶媽希望莎士比亞代為勸導,阻止兩對情侶自殺。

(4)    棚外:報導南歐伊里利亞島的另一則新聞,一名女公爵揭發某公爵的男僕原來是女扮男裝,女公爵希望揭發這項醜聞,並請社會大眾箝制該名公爵。拍攝人物:連線記者B、女公爵歐莉薇亞、男僕薇洛拉 

(5)    棚內:訪問莎士比亞對於女扮男裝的想法,了解當時伊莉莎白女王時期的女性社會地位,以及男性在社會上對女性造成的壓力。


(7)    棚內:新聞結束。最後播放朋友支持薇洛拉的加油畫面。


Shakespeare Jornals《莎士比亞壹週刊》

英資學生看這裡 — 作者 english @ 09:10
# Shakespeare Jornals《莎士比亞壹週刊》

組員:林秦毅、鄒明蓉、鍾明潔、姚思嘉、林 翔、劉昊霖、陳薏如、范姜詠萱


(許多畫家曾以莎士比亞劇作為主題作畫,請搜尋相關畫作,並撰寫簡介,介紹五齣莎士比亞的名劇。) 負責同學:姚思嘉




(6)    當花木蘭遇到薇洛拉(比較《第十二夜》與《花木蘭》的故事,請同學著重在女扮男裝的比較。撰寫短文比較兩位女性的差別,佐以圖片說明,並設計6~7題閱讀測驗選擇題。) 負責同學:林翔



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