
21 十一月, 2012


101年度英資學生優良作品 — 作者 english @ 14:35


加拿大的Shaun老師介紹了加拿大讓我們認識。一開始以為這堂課會很輕鬆,可是後來發現現自己大錯特錯! Shaun老師不同於一般外師的是:他絕不允許我們用⌜聽演講⌟的方式上他的課,他認為要有互動的課程才會有有效的學習,不然每個人都會看起來要死不活的。Shaun老師用幽默、詼諧的方式介紹加拿大;設計遊戲,讓我們在遊戲中學習。遊戲的節奏非常迅速,所以每個人都必須保持⌜高度警戒⌟,我們的反應也要非常快,不然很容易便會出局。雖然這些遊戲不過也只是一問一答罷,但在Shaun老師緊湊的節奏下,就別有一番意思。在Shaun老師的帶領之下,我空手出發卻滿載而歸。

A Fast and interesting Class

Teacher Shaun introduced Canada to us. At first, I thought it would be an easy class, but I found myself completely wrong after that! The differences between Teacher Shaun and other foreign teachers is: He will not, never, allow us sit on the chair and listen to his speech. He thought “interaction” will be better than watcingh his “talk show.” Otherwise, everyone will look like dying. Teacher Shaun used humor ways to introduce Canada. After his lecture, he asked us to play a game teaching English slangs. The tempo of the game was extremely fast. We had to answer really quickly. The game wasn’t special. It was only Q&A. However, with Teacher Shaun’s fast tempo, it seemed more interesting and different. After his class, I realized that he’s right and I’m wrong: “interaction” helps a lot in learning.


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