
01 十二月, 2012


101年度英資學生優良作品 — 作者 english @ 11:16


我們有個特別的單元在這個學期! 我們的學校邀請外地的人介紹自己的國家。我最難忘的一次就是俄羅斯。 我對這個國家的第一印象我想應該和大家一樣,冷到一個爆炸。不過,在我聽完她們的演說之後,我才明白她們的文化和風土民情。俄羅斯,很漂亮,很冷,很瘋狂,還有好多好多都不是文字可以解釋的。我們的講師叫做Natasha。我第一次看到她的時候,我以為她很嚴肅也很冷漠,不過事實上她很漂亮也很可愛,尤其是她在講她小時後發生的故事。在俄羅斯,她們有一個很特別節慶。那裡的男人會在冬天的時候潑冷水到自己身上!我知道這聽起來很神經,不過其實她是很健康的喔!

Afterthoughts for Culture Lectures

We have a special program in this semester! Our school invited foreigners to school and introduce their country. My most unforgettable one was definitely Russia. My first impression for Russia is that its just same as any other country. Freezing cold. Well…after I heard the introduction of Russia, I understand the culture of this country. It’s beautiful, cold, crazy. And there are many special about the country that you can’t explain them with words. Our lecturer’s name was Natasha. When I saw her for the first time, I thought she was cold and serious, but actually she was really nice and cute, especially when she was talking about thefunny stories when she was a kid. In Russia, there’s a special event. The men pour cold water on theirselves in the winter, and it sounds crazy I know, but actually it’s good for your health!


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