
01 十二月, 2012


101年度英資學生優良作品 — 作者 english @ 11:34


當Natasha 第二次來的時候,我覺得她比較沒那麼緊張,或許是因為她已經看過我們也對我們教過課了,也或許是因為我們也比較放鬆、比較有回應。第二次的課程對我來說很有趣,因為她介紹的地方我都沒去過,也很少碰到來自那些國家的人,歐洲對我來說一直都還滿神秘的,那裡一直都是其中一個我想去的地方,在她介紹完,我現在又再多了好多個想去旅遊的國家!我一向都是很愛海的人,她介紹了很多沙灘和海,我其實心裡還滿興奮的。當她介紹到她和家人一起搭火車要到某地方時需要住在火車上,我就覺得那會是很特別的經驗!不果他們沒有辦法洗澡,我大概忍受不了。其中有一個令我印象最深刻的就是她所說的 「車諾比核能事件」,她放了一個短片給我們看,影片中是很多被核能輻射影響的人,Natasha告訴我們說那裡現在可以觀光了,雖然還是會擔心被感染,但我這個人就是這樣,很愛冒險、愛做些很怪的事、又很好奇,真的希望有機會去烏克蘭參觀的這個地區!

New things I’ve learned about Europe

The second time Natasha came, I could tell she wasn’t as nervous as the last time. Maybe it was because she had already met us, or maybe it was because we seemed more cheerful and friendlier. To me, the second class was extremely interesting. She introduced us to the countries I’ve had barely met people from. I had always thought Europe was very mysterious. Besides, it has always been a place I wanted to visit. After the class (introduction), I’ve added a lot more countries I wanted to travel to. I’ve always been a sea lover, so when she talked about the places with beaches and beautiful seas, that totally got my attention. She also told us about the time when she went on a trip with her family by train and needed to stay on the train for a few days. They weren’t able to take baths or showers. I’ll bet I wouldn’t be able to stand that…., even if it will be a good experience. One of the parts where really caught my attention was a nuclear accident called “Chernobyl nuclear disaster”.  Natasha showed us a short film that was about the ones who were affected by the nuclear radiation. It was even worse than watching a horror movie. The ones inside the film showed mostly of infants and children. She told us it was now open for tour and visiting. Even though I still worried about being affected by the nuclear radiation, but that’s not enough to stop my curiosity from wanting to go there. I really hope that one day I’ll be able to visit Chernobyl, Ukraine!


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